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Designing new security system product

  • 19-09-2014 6:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    Hi guys,
    I am a student in my final year of studying product design in DIT and I am looking into designing a domestic security product for my thesis. My idea is for a product which you can fit to all or selected doors in your home which would be wirelessly connected to your current alarm system. Once triggered, it would shut and secure those doors in your home, reducing the burglars freedom in your home. Any thoughts, opinions or comments would be greatly appreciated.


  • Registered Users Posts: 589 ✭✭✭lgk

    Auto door closure systems already exist, and are primarily used to operate fire doors in commercial premises. They still allow doors to be opened manually though, as required for fire escape, so the door securing piece here will be a new element.

    In the event of fire or electrical failure, it's going to need to fail-open rather than fail-secure and potentially trap the occupants. That would then introduce a weakness that a burglar recognising the system could exploit by triggering a mains failure or fire detector.

    Concealed auto-door closers are expensive and won't work in every situation or on a lot of doors currently on the market. The exposed variety look obtrusive in a domestic setting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 Seq uence

    Most systems are designed to get intruders, or potential intruders, away from your property as quickly as possible & with the least ammount of damage.
    I fear the system that you are proposing would have the complete reverse affect.
