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Nabi 2

  • 17-09-2014 3:10pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,136 ✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    Does anybody know if its possible to move apps etc. from hard drive on Nabi2 to an SD Card. There's a port for a micro sd card on the side which I inserted the card but cannot find out how to transfer between drives.




  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,765 ✭✭✭MoodeRator

    Have you tried Astro File Manager?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,541 ✭✭✭duridian

    You're probably gonna need to sideload a file manager, like ES File explorer or Astro File Manager as suggested above, because I think the Nabi devices lack the Google Playstore and the Nabi App Store is rather limited. But have a look on Nabi's app store for them before you go any further, just in case they now carry these apps.

    Probably an easier alternative would be switch the Nabi into "Mommy mode", go Amazon's website if the tab has a web browser and install Amazon's App Store. Please note that to successfully do this you will have to go into settings>security>allow install from unknown sources.

    So the sequence is:

    1.Switch to "Mommy mode". This mode should give you a more "normal" looking Android interface.

    2. Go to Settings > Security > tick to Allow Install from Unknown Sources

    3. In a browser on the tablet go to

    4. Look for something about "Amazon Appstore" and download the installer. If it asks how you want to download, select with the Browser.

    5. Wait for download to complete. There should be a progress bar in the dropdown Notification area at the top of your screen. DO NOT CLEAR THE NOTIFICATION or you won't be able to find the installer.

    6. When download is complete click on the notification about the download.

    7. This should begin the installation. If it asks about verifying just select install with Package Installer.

    8. When app install completes you will have the Amazon Appstore available.

    9. Sign up for an Amazon account (this costs nothing) and look for a free file explorer on their appstore.

    10. You can then use whatever file explorer you chose to move files about like you would on a Windows or Mac computer.

    This was how I did it on a neighbour kid's first gen Nabi a few Christmases ago, so it should probably still work for Nabi 2. Hope it works for you.
