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Advice on buying new pc

  • 07-08-2014 6:54am
    Registered Users Posts: 6

    Hi im just looking to buy a custom pc not interested in building right now.
    I know the options in ireland for a custom pc are very bad iv used both before and are very over priced for the parts used .
    being on a bit of a budget i was looking around and found

    ht tp ://w w found this first

    ht tp s://w w after a little more searching think i found there main site

    Has anyone used these guys before of are they just overpriced too for whats in them
    or can anyone recommend a custom pc builder in ireland

    Edit for Links


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,767 ✭✭✭SterlingArcher

    Hi im just looking to buy a custom pc not interested in building right now.
    I know the options in ireland for a custom pc are very bad iv used both before and are very over priced for the parts used .
    being on a bit of a budget i was looking around and found

    ht tp ://w w found this first

    ht tp s://w w after a little more searching think i found there main site

    Has anyone used these guys before of are they just overpriced too for whats in them
    or can anyone recommend a custom pc builder in ireland

    Edit for Links

    I have seen e designer on adverts. Not nearly as bad as custom pc sites I know of.

    Try Bloodbath. Long time pc builder on boards. Find him on adverts simply search bloodbath you will come across him. Anyway have a look see. He will help cater for your needs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭hughowen

    Just bought from them and find that the process is very easy. They build and give you what you want and need, and seem very customer friendly. Have to pay upfront but with Credit Card insurance you are covered for scammers so if you get what you order everything is fine. My system will be here in a weekso I will know then
