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The straw that broke the camel's back

  • 06-08-2014 1:41pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭

    Incidents where you (or someone you knew) were after putting up with a lot of **** about something and the one thing that made you (or someone you knew) release all your (or their) frustration at once and look a bit mental.
    Was it a good thing or a bad thing? Do you think you (or they) could have addressed it better.

    Times you've been on the receiving end of this kind of thing would also be interesting to hear! Just how mental does the other person seem?

    Short one:
    I once concluded that I hated a girl I was seeing when she didn't ask how I was after being sick. She had done far worse stuff but that was apparently the tipping point where I couldn't make excuses for her anymore.
    Good thing! Probably could have addressed it better though.

    Long one:
    I've an aunt who's always been shocking self absorbed/unbalanced and really fiery, absolute everyone would spend half their time stepping around her ("it's easier this way") and I probably got along worse with her than just about anyone. We got news that my dad has a few days to live and she appears out of nowhere all over the scene, trying to make up for years of guilt by being excessively helpful and exhausting him with it (his words, not mine), loads of accusations about how we all killed him, he's only my father but he's her sister.
    None of the rest of my immediate family were getting a second to spend with him without her taking it all over, my brother was afraid to go into the room with her in there, 100% unreasonable. I seemed to be the only one who was remaining objective so I was assuming a lot of responsibility for trying to deal with her and she was clearly ignoring any hint I gave.
    Anyways, one of the days we all get cleared out of the room while they were doing some check ups on him. She's absolutely wrecked, says she's heading home. When I head back to the room, she's sitting right in there again and says "I saw you left him in the room by himself so I said I'd pop back in until yous get back", which was pretty reasonable really, but I was just done with having to see her face, pulled her out of the room and spent a solid ten minutes with my eyes as close to hers as I could get snarling a lifetime's worth of abuse at her and how much of a nuisance she's always been, she was doing her usual passive aggressive thing and I just ploughed on releasing every ounce of it.
    Made things so tense with the lot of them that I barely got to spend another second with my dad between that and his final hours, but at least my family got to actually spend a bit of time alone with him.
    Good thing! My dad and I were in a good place so I didn't need the time with him as much as everyone else seemed to and it was inevitable really, was glad to be rid of her and half that side of the family.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,902 ✭✭✭MagicIRL

    You may need to see a professional.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,305 ✭✭✭Cantremember

    Good for you. People like that need that every day of their misbegotten lives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,092 ✭✭✭

    I put up with a lot from my ex husband for quite a number of years, binge drinking, overspending, laziness, disappearing for a day or two with no contact leaving me to worry for the want of a simple phone call etc etc. He even broke into a neighbours house once while drunk. Anyway put up with all as I am forever the optimist and thought he'd grow out of it and he had lots of good qualities.
    Finally decided I'd had enough after we went to visit friends one day. I was in the sitting room with friend's wife, he was in the kitchen with friends husband . Friend's husband decided to make us tea and asked my husband if I took sugar in mine. My husband of ten ..TEN! years came into the sitting room and asked me 'do you take sugar ?'. !!!
    There was no drama , I answered politely and we all had a little laugh about him not even knowing how I liked my tea,,but that was the exact point at which I realised I could not be with him anymore. Such a small thing compared to some awful behaviour previously but the very definition of the final straw/that broke this camel's back.
    We've been divorced quite a while now and have both found other partners and are happy so it all worked out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,736 ✭✭✭Irish Guitarist

    Years ago my family had an alcoholic neighbour who used to leave his spare key with my father. This had happened for as long as I could remember. He would call at all hours after being out drinking and having lost his key. He would often start pounding on the door at 3 AM and when someone answered he would stand there drunkenly stuttering, taking about five minutes to say a sentence.

    He would also often lose that spare key and then expect my father to climb over the wall to let him into his house.

    When I was in my twenties my father was in hospital and was seriously sick. The neighbour called round for his key and I decided not to let him in. This went on for a few days, he would keep calling and I wouldn't open the door to him. One day he started following me around the street shouting "YOU HAVE MY KEY AND I WANT IT BACK". I went into my house, grabbed his key and fired it on the ground in front of him. He said "I'm going to tell your father about this". I said "well you better go to Kilkenny hospital and tell him then".

    The next day he dropped his key back into our letterbox.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,305 ✭✭✭Cantremember

    Years ago my family had an alcoholic neighbour who used to leave his spare key with my father. This had happened for as long as I could remember. He would call at all hours after being out drinking and having lost his key. He would often start pounding on the door at 3 AM and when someone answered he would stand there drunkenly stuttering, taking about five minutes to say a sentence.

    He would also often lose that spare key and then expect my father to climb over the wall to let him into his house.

    When I was in my twenties my father was in hospital and was seriously sick. The neighbour called round for his key and I decided not to let him in. This went on for a few days, he would keep calling and I wouldn't open the door to him. One day he started following me around the street shouting "YOU HAVE MY KEY AND I WANT IT BACK". I went into my house, grabbed his key and fired it on the ground in front of him. He said "I'm going to tell your father about this". I said "well you better go to Kilkenny hospital and tell him then".

    The next day he dropped his key back into our letterbox.

    A self righteous arrogant prick who needs the steel toe cap applied to the bollix.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 2 yip yoke yop yuk

    what ever happened Super-Rush?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,563 ✭✭✭dd972

    Any camel that broke the straws back incidents out there...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,080 ✭✭✭sheesh

    What you do is squeeze all you frustration into a tiny ball and release it at an appropriate moment. like that time I hit that referee with a whiskey bottle

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,001 ✭✭✭recylingbin

    Why would she care how you were when she was riding me?
    TBH she did wonder if you were alright, but I said you were probably grand as I peeled her clothes off,

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭Pablodreamsofnew

    Yeah annoying mental sister, used to just ignore her and just put it down to being 'having mental illness' but she got up in my face and was all aggressive. I threw a large glass of water over her! I was shocked at myself but I just snapped!

    She used to do unspeakable stuff when I was a kid. This sister has physical hurt me and I've always kept my cool. I still cringe now at the thought.

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