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Thinking on a career in Health Care, advice needed

  • 01-08-2014 5:27pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    Hi all,
    I just wanted to post and share my situation so I would be able to find some light regarding something I want to pursue. I am 33 years old and for some financial difficulties in the past I had to choose at a very early age a professional career. I became a lawyer, I was lucky enough to make big money during the time I was practising law. But money didn’t make me happy, in fact I was depressed. First, because I didn’t like law and second because I knew I will be always regretting not to study something related to science, more specifically nursing or medicine. One day (in 2010) when I was almost convinced of leaving everything behind by taking a gap year (job,family,money, assets and country) through sheer coincidence I met the person I love, my husband,an Irishman =). So I was somewhat forced to leave my country anyway To take this step wasn’t difficult as I have had already explored the possibility of taking that gap year in order to discern if I should go for a different career.
    Four years down the line ( a big gap year), I am happily living in this wonderful country, but yet still wondering if I should take the leap. I know will be impossible to become a doctor here, but I don’t care,I would be just as happy to become a nurse or a healthcare assistant.....

    My question is... do you think this is a pipe dream? Am I too old to try.....?? is there somebody out there who has been through similar dilemma?



  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭MyNameIsMethos

    You're never too old to try; there are many people who set down this route at way later stages! Though I am just under a decade younger then yourself, I have a story comparable: tried my hand at the business/legal side of things but could always hear my baby, Science&Healthcare, calling incessantly.

    Like yourself, I first thought towards Nursing/Healthcare Assistant, beginning a FETAC course last September to acclimatize to the profession & ensure that it was well suited to me. Just as well I did as I found that, from my perspective anyway, nursing is not so much a scientific profession as much as being the dogs body of the hospital, the face that patients will assign all their frustration to & an angel of death of sorts; guiding each terminal patient towards acceptance of their own mortality while the doctors deal with "more important things". That's not for me: it doesn't allow for making one's own decisions towards patient care; your working life will never be your own.

    So! I had a look around, and found that though it is fairly taxing to be allowed to study medicine here, that was not the only route! With my love of science there was a third route open: Biomedical Science! Though I did not reach the quota to study it as a mature student, I got into an undenominated science course which leads into Biopharmaceuticals & then plan to do a Masters in Regenerative medicine to cap it off afterwards.

    My point is: there are many routes to get into the healthcare industry & if you truly want to go down that route then a bit of investigation is in order. If you wish to be more then a glorified extra pair of hands to a doctor, then I would suggest steering clear of Nursing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 nightlover83

    Thanks very much for your advice. I will definitely investigate these other routes you say might be available. My heart goes for science =)... so I will rather check the best options before getting myself into something I wont enjoy. cheers ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 breny

    Hi nightlover83,

    Just want to let you know your never too old. Last year I did the FETAC level 5 in Healthcare support, found this great though sometimes hard trying to juggle work, course, home life and the never ending homework.

    BUT I really loved it, found it so interesting and decided I wanted to get into the healthcare industry. While doing the mandatory work experience I decided I was more than able to do this and I decided to believe in myself and this year I applied to go back to college. I did the exams and in 3 weeks I am starting a 4 year degree in Nursing.

    You are only as old as you feel, I turned 41 this year and will be back in the job market at 45 so believe in yourself that you can do anything.

