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Cost of replacing skirting & architraves

  • 23-07-2014 3:04pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25

    Hello everyone,

    This is a very broad question I realise but could anyone give a ball park figure on how much it potentially could cost to replace all the skirting and architraves in the hall, stairs & landing and 3 bedrooms of a normal semi-d house, onto stud walls.

    Skirting & architraves will be supplied by either myself or carpenter, which ever is cheaper (i'm guessing carpenter, trade prices etc?)

    Just looking for a ballpark figure for budgeting, is it usually priced per running foot?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,396 ✭✭✭Tefral

    smythy25 wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    This is a very broad question I realise but could anyone give a ball park figure on how much it potentially could cost to replace all the skirting and architraves in the hall, stairs & landing and 3 bedrooms of a normal semi-d house, onto stud walls.

    Skirting & architraves will be supplied by either myself or carpenter, which ever is cheaper (i'm guessing carpenter, trade prices etc?)

    Just looking for a ballpark figure for budgeting, is it usually priced per running foot?

    Allow €6 a metre for both (supply and fit white deal) if its small quantities make it €10

    Painting is extra.
