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Mid-Strenght Guinness/Beer

  • 03-07-2014 9:30pm
    Site Banned Posts: 65 ✭✭

    Hey Y'all,

    I was just wondering if many or any bars in Dublin sell mid-strenght Guinness or beers?

    I've recently taken to drinking mid-strenght beers on week nights so I can still get my p*ss on minus the hangover! They're great. Mid-strenght Guinness actually tastes nicer than normal Guinness in my opinion and you get to slam a few without getting drunk or hungover. Win win on work nights!


  • Site Banned Posts: 65 ✭✭Cerveja69

    Anyone know of anywhere?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭Lucena

    I've never even heard of it. Where do you buy it usually?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Glebee

    Allot of places have it in. Dont know if there is much of take up on it though...
