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Half Marathon

  • 21-06-2014 4:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭

    Hi guys,

    Need some advice here.

    I started running in early January abd started with the C25K app. Hated running at the start but I eventually got hooked. I then ran a 10k in April and am currently training for a half marathon in late August.

    My plan is two short runs a week (5-10k) and then on the weekend I try and get in a long run (+15k). Yesterday I got to 21.5k in 2:02. I've done the 21k before (two weeks ago) and loved the feeling after.

    I suppose I'm wondering if this plan is good or am I overdoing it? I was considering doing 2x5k a week and a 10k on a Saturday and a 21k every second Saturday.. I love running but 2hours out of my weekend is much.. Then I'm usually very tired and need to lie down after it!

    Any thoughts?


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,510 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    There isn't a huge amount of logic to your training plan. Repeating the same runs every week will only provide marginal gains. Are you running these 21km long runs as fast as you can, or at a sedate pace?

    Given that you are already running your goal distance, you should target some improvements in speed and speed endurance. Take a look at the structure of a plan like this one and you can see how you target progression in terms of speed sessions, tempo and distance. I'm not suggesting that you should take a step back in distances (which could be counter-productive (in terms of peaking)), but you should consider re-structuring your training, so that you are targetting improvements leading up to the final 1-2 weeks before your goal race, when you should ease back on your training (taper). Well done on your progress to date by the way. Solid progress so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Hi lads,
    I normally run 8-10k races but like you, decided to go up a bit more on distance and entered the Clontarf Half Marathon on the 5th of July. I have built up to 21k over the past 2-3 months, times are around 1:53, hoping to do a little better on the day etc. I found that a decent pair of runners (Asics Kayano or New Balance) coupled with a 'Bob the Builder' belt for water/Lucozade plus a few sweets helped me a lot!
    I cycle 20k a day (10k commute to work) and only run a 10k once during the week and the one long run at the weekend 15-21k, the cycling seems to get rid of any stiffness post the runs for me anyway.
    Best of luck with the training!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭theredletter

    Sorry for the lateness getting back to you - crazy at work these days!

    First of all, well don smashiner! Good on! And a very good time too :)

    Had a look at that link, Krusty and it seems a bit intense.. I can't really commit to more than three evenings of exercise a day. I'm not making excuses here.. I literally work 12-14 hour days sometimes! It's fairly intense. Can you give me simple pointers on how to get this up? I'm currently trying to get my time down on the 5ks I do during the week.. I did a 5k a few days ago in 25mins and want to get it down lower if it's possible. What time should I be looking at?

    I suppose I'm wondering is there any use at all in what I'm doing and what small changes can I make to what I'm doing now to gain results? I'm kinda smashed at the min but new contract is coming up and can afford to join a gym if I need to but would prefer just to run around the place like a mad man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Thank for the comments. I would scrap the idea of an expensive gym (my opinion) and cycle to work on a cheap bike if that was an option for you or at least involve some other form of exercise 2-3 time per week to help build up strenght that would help you with running. 5K in 25 mins is very respectable, maybe try to aim for sub 50 mins for a 10k to build on what you have done already?
    The key for me getting to the 21K was the jump from 10K to 15K at the weekends, after that the jump to 18K and then 21K weren't as hard. Keep going you are on the right track, best of luck!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭theredletter

    That sounds good.. I already do the long run once a week and last week I got to 21.5k in just over 2hrs. Not sure how great that is! I'm all about completing it rather than doing it in under 1.30hrs ha ha!

    I would love to start cycling into work but I am absolutely terrified of cylcing in town. GROW A PAIR, I know! ha ha

    thanks guys

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  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Reaching 21K is a super achievement in itself! Just over 2 hours is a really solid time and by the sounds of it, you will improve on this if you keep it up, I wouldn't get too hung up on the times at the moment as you will probably do better during a race day anyway, just don't go off to quick and blow up later (as I have done on a few 10K's :-( )!
    Cycling in the city is more of a 'contact sport' these days, so yes a good Helmet is the order of the day coupled with brakes that work, worth hassle though!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭theredletter

    Sounds great, smashiner! Let's hope I don't smash into you somewhere in town!

    Yeah, going to go out for a 5k or so in a bit and see how I fare.. Going to have a big run tomorrow and try get a good time :)

    Thanks again for the comments and good luck with your half marathon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Thank a lot,
    Going to go for my last long run this morning (15-16k max), was advised to taper down a bit before the actual race, which happens to be next week.......panic and excitement in equal measures!! Will do a 4-5k light jog mid week and then it's up to the Lucozade and jelly babies to save me......:-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭jaytobe

    Doing Clontarf next week as well and followed Hal Higidon intermediate plan....think 18kms today was too much though. Will see Sat though. Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Well done Jaytobe,
    18kms is a good work out alright, fair play to you! I did 16kms on Sunday morning at a 5:10 average pace, which was good for me, my mate did 19km yesterday at a decent pace and he now wants us to push for a sub 1:50 on the day......... as Clubber Lang in Rocky 111 once said.......predictions??.............predictions??.............PAIN! Looking forward to that alcohol free Erdinger pint at the end of the race already :-).
    Best of luck Saturday Buddy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭jaytobe

    At 5.10 average for LSR I would be going for averages about 5.25 on LSRs and think. I'm ready.

    How much of this is on the beach, have injured myself in the past on sand?

  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Hi Jaytobe,
    Not sure what LSR means 'Minutes per KM?'? I plan to aim for the first 10K at around 51 minutes (Running at 5:05-5:10), second 10K at about 52-53 mins and then crawl home under 6 minutes for the last KM. I have not run the race before , but I reckon that there is about 3 KM on the beach out and back (6KM in total), so like you, I have a dodgy ankle, so hopefully it won't affect me too much on the day.
    Best of luck buddy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 538 ✭✭✭smashiner

    Did the Clontarf HM today in 1:49, ran it with a friend and we dragged each other along! The beach bit x2 was really tough and added a bit of time to the run, but overall a great race and well organised, will be back next year for defo! My first HM done, now considering the DC! In October for thei first time..........
