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Women only! Pelvic floor/ TVT/ running afterwards

  • 28-05-2014 10:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 170 ✭✭

    As I said , one for the women. After a lot of deliberation and hoping my wrecked pelvic floor would somehow repair itself, I am scheduled to have a TVT procedure next week.

    I really want to get this sorted and be able to drink and run without worrying but I am terrified something will go wrong. Also, I am wondering how long it will take to build up my fitness again. The consultant says I can slowly start running again in two to three weeks though other surgeons apparently say to take it very easy for six weeks.

    I am just a middle of the pack , mid 40s plodder but having only got fit in the last few years I don't want to lose the gains I have made.

    Anyway, has anyone here had this done? Would you recommend it and how long before you got back to your pre op running pace? Thanks.
