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Law and Business

  • 25-05-2014 12:23pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    could someone tell me about the law and business course in maynooth? Lecturers, Lecture hours ,was it what you expected ? etc


  • Registered Users Posts: 2 jayo122

    Hey Richard, just after finishing exams first year in law and business - loved it!! :P
    The lectures are brilliant, go through everything in a fun manner with clickers/group projects/videos for business modules and interesting case notes for the law. They are easy to approach and always willing to help, most lectures stay 5-10 minutes before/after lectures so plenty opportunity to seek clarification if confused.
    I'm sure you can view all modules you'll have to do next year if you go to; NUIM course finder. This year Semester 1; 2 law modules tort/contract and 4 business. Sem2; company law and 4 business modules.
    The business modules I felt were nice and definitely a lot more practical than learning business for LC, although some aspects overlap. Don't be scared with regards the law, yes its demanding but once you get the foundations learnt it becomes easier. Best advice to give, don't fall behind on going to lectures!! If you miss lectures or tutorials try get notes from a classmate, it'll be hard to understand some concepts just by reading lectures notes when put on Moodle!!
    NUIM is a brilliant university, great atmosphere and the smaller numbers compared to other Universities nearby enhancing your college experience!! :P Would highly recommend law& business course!! :D {Rant over..}
