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google play

  • 04-05-2014 12:27pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6

    Hi I'm trying to set up google play on a coby tablet. I found the following steps but am having some trouble.
    1 Visit your device's main Settings menu.
    2 Under "Accounts", select Add account.
    3 Select Google on the account list.
    4 Choose whether to add an existing Google 5 Account or create a new one.
    5 Follow the sign in instructions on your device to add your account.

    When I get to step 3 here is only email or corporate option. Please help! Thanks :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,456 ✭✭✭pizzahead77

    Suz711 wrote: »
    Hi I'm trying to set up google play on a coby tablet. I found the following steps but am having some trouble.
    1 Visit your device's main Settings menu.
    2 Under "Accounts", select Add account.
    3 Select Google on the account list.
    4 Choose whether to add an existing Google 5 Account or create a new one.
    5 Follow the sign in instructions on your device to add your account.

    When I get to step 3 here is only email or corporate option. Please help! Thanks :)

    Possibly this tablet does not access to the Google Apps/Store as the manufacturer may not have paid for the rights to use the Play Store etc, you may need to find the APKs for them and sideload them.
