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Cannot change e-mail password on mail account

  • 30-04-2014 4:11pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 109 ✭✭

    EIRCOM recommends to change the e-mail account password but I was not able to do this.

    I could change the password in the lower left part after going to 'My eircom login'.
    The change works for 'My eircom login' but not for the Webmail.

    So, whatever they recommend doing is actually not working, or am I doing something wrong?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 836 ✭✭✭the watchman

    My email is back but after I log in the colours of the layout has changed from orange to blue and feels weird.
    So I went to change password. These are the instructions…..
    To change your password:
    1.      Click the Preferences tab.
    2.      In the Overview pane, click General and in Login Options, click Password.
    3.      Enter your old password, your new password, and retype your new password to confirm.
    4.      Click Change password. Your password has been changed.
    I followed them but after I get to ‘Login Options’ there is no option for changing password.
    Somethings up !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,831 ✭✭✭eircom: Alan

    My email is back but after I log in the colours of the layout has changed from orange to blue and feels weird.
    So I went to change password. These are the instructions…..
    To change your password:
    1.      Click the Preferences tab.
    2.      In the Overview pane, click General and in Login Options, click Password.
    3.      Enter your old password, your new password, and retype your new password to confirm.
    4.      Click Change password. Your password has been changed.
    I followed them but after I get to ‘Login Options’ there is no option for changing password.
    Somethings up !!
    HI watchman

    Please follow this link to change your password:

