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Solar tubes advice

  • 17-04-2014 3:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 181 ✭✭

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but i read quite a lot of this forum.

    I'm looking for some quotes. Based in Maynooth.

    I reckon 40 solar evacuated tubes approx would be needed.
    2000sqf bungalow, with south facing roof.
    I already have a 300 litre triple coil (joule) installed and working with my oil central heating and stanley back boiler stove connected to it.

    Would i be correct in approx 2,500euro for the 40 tubes and all other requirements (pumps,fluid,roof fittings, pipes etc.) to be fitted and installed?

    Thanks for your advice.
    Any companies out there feel free to PM me (if thats allowed, i'm never sure!)
