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Hen Party Awkwardness...

  • 08-04-2014 11:24am
    Registered Users Posts: 9

    Hi! I have an awkward situation. I'm planning my friends hen party. I am really excited about it and haven't been a bm before was looking forward to getting going on it. As I'm the only bridesmaid my friend suggested another of her friends to help out (I don't know her) but I was delighted, always handy to have a second opinion, set of hands, ideas etc. Anyway this girl has started to take over!! Asked her if she could look into a few things but she's sorting everything now. Don't mean to sound like a control freak but I was really looking forward to doing a lot myself as I'm off work at the moment. Any suggestions on how to (politely) take back the reins?? Thanks in advance!


  • Registered Users Posts: 166 ✭✭berrecka

    This is a tricky one.

    What stage of planning are you at? Have you a place, activity or whatever ye are doing decided upon, or are you at the planning the smaller details stage? Could you go ahead and book whatever you are planning without discussing it with her? Then just let her know that its done. Do you know other girls coming to the hen? Could you get them to support your decisions (via a group planning email or something?), or to offer to help out a bit too, so that they can help achieve what you had wanted?

    I'm sure she is only trying to be helpful, but maybe say outright to her that ye are just at the investigatory phase at the moment, and that you would prefer to not take the next step of booking/buying things just yet. In your discussions with her, always be firm about what you envisage and be clear about what you plan to do.

    I'm not sure if this will be of any use, but I hope it helps. Planning a hen for a close friend can be such a special time when you get to put your love for her into ensuring what you think will be a really enjoyable day for her full of fun and love and laughs. Best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,644 ✭✭✭Milly33

    Oh congrats to you on being bridesmaid.. Sounds like a difficult one alright. God the only thing I can think of is like above maybe get together one evening see what she has done and then maybe have a plan written out or drawn out and say well look this is what I want. And perhaps give her certain things to do so she does have things to do but not everything..

    I can understand when you have the spare time as well tis a bummer when you have something to do but cant then for whatever reason.

    That or another option is just sit down with her and talk straight. Some people don't actually realise they are doing it. I had a good friend for years who I was often scared to say what I wanted to do because she would always plan but it was just her nothing mean or anything
