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The next step up?

  • 10-03-2014 12:23pm
    Registered Users Posts: 12,433 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi all!

    Just looking for a bit of advice on what to buy next.
    Basically, I gave up smoking and switched to vaping about 5 weeks ago. I went to a shop called Kix and got a starter kit by Nicofresh. I was really impressed at first and thought it was great. It's decent as a starter unit but lately I've been getting a burning taste even after using brand new clearomizers. It's also acting up a bit lately. Sometimes when I press the button, nothing happens. Kinda does my head in now. I'd like to take a step up to something else but I'm not too sure on what to go for.

    I'd like something's bit more powerful. I'd also like something that tells you the battery life (the Nicofresh one just dies with no warning). I don't want anything too bulky either. Something that fits into my pocket while out and about would be grand.

    I've been looking online and there's thousands of devices to choose from so I'm a bit lost. I was looking at the Provari and stuff like that but they're on the pricey side. Would it be worth looking out for a 2nd hand one?

    If one of you fine gentlemen can't point me in the right direction of what combination of unit (is it called a unit or battery or what?) and clearomizer or whatever to go for that'd be great.
    Bit of a noob question but I'm a bit lost! :D


