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Few bits I got ( opinion/review )

  • 04-03-2014 4:19pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭

    I got a few new bits over the last week or so so thought I would share opinion on them so far.

    Got the Aspire Nautilus tank last week and must say I am mighty impressed with both the good vape and flavour from it ( been vaping strawberry mikshake from ) have gotten a week out of the first coil and still getting loads of vape but started to get the odd funny tasting hit so changed it and all back to normal.

    Also got one of these EASY-FILL 3ML CHROME DCT from at a great price, just over a tenner, gives great vape and taste as well, not as heavy vape as the Nautilus but still very good, only been throug 5ml of juice so far so can't comment on life span on the inside cartomizer but what I really like about it is it has a little screw on top for filling up.

    Also recieved an Innokin itaste 134 MOD yesterday and it is a lovely looking thing and definetely seem very good quality, haven't to much times testing/playing with it but it doesn't seem to get along all that good with the Nautilus due to the 134 have 2 breather holes on the MOD itself where the Nautilus have it's own ones, work a lot better with the EASY-FILL
    It quite big and quite heavy so will be for use in the office&home rather than something I'll carry around in my pocket.

    I have been using a Tesla VW MOD for over a month now switched from the EGO Twist and regular egos and even though it seemed big at first I'm getting on with it fine going to the pub etc. and it works excellent with all clearos I have tried and especially good with the Nautilus one, only drawback so far has been the original 2 batteries that came with it, but have since bought some Panasonic 3400 Mamp ones and they are perfect so the original are just used for back up now
