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Exposer to chlorinated water the real reason for clogged artheries, and strokes

  • 30-01-2014 12:30am
    Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭

    We all know about the dangers of drinking fluoridated water and the blasé attitude and out right denial of our government when confronted about these dangers.
    But what about chlorine? How many heart attacks and strokes can be attributed to prolonged exposer to chlorine in drinking water. In recent years the issue of high cholesterol has become a huge issue among people concerned with their health, there are numerous products on the market that claim to lower your cholesterol levels, there are numerous medications that are prescribed to people in this country to lower you CL, one of those being "Lipitor" which my 19 year old relative was prescribed by her doctor to lower her CL, this medication does not come cheap, my point here is, there is an enormous amount of money to be made from food products and medications that claim to lower cholesterol in this country alone. Does our Government get financial incentives ( from pharmaceutical companies) to supress any real study into the real reason for the build up of plague in peoples arteries.

    Below are snippets and links to relevant articles about this.


    Let's explore this. When chlorinated water is run through a hose or carried in a pail followed by milk as in a dairy, what happens? "Very tenacious, yellowish deposits chemically similar to arterial plaque" form; with unchlorinated water this does not happen.
    CBS' "Sixty Minutes" show July 11, 1992, displayed two laboratory rats, both of them eating standard rat chow and drinking chlorinated water. One rat had clear arteries. The other was also drinking pasteurized, homogenized milk. When the animals were sacrificed and cut open, the arteries of its milk-drinking companions were clogged. A scientist in a white coat winked at the camera and said, "He [the rat he was holding] is the only one doing research on that." The researcher didn't say why, but the powerful dairy and chemical lobbies come to mind.
    Dairy buckets and hoses, and rats' arteries resist the arterial-wall damage known as atherosclerosis. But what can chlorinated water and milk, particularly homogenized milk, do to the far more susceptible arteries of humans? The arteries of young chickens are about as susceptible to such damage as people's arteries. Therefore, as a first approximation, J.M. Price, MD gave cockerels (roosters less than a year old) only chlorinated water. They rapidly developed arterial plaques; and the stronger the concentration of chlorine, the faster, and worse the damage. Other cockerels given unchlorinated water developed no such damage.
    The residents of the small town of Roseto, Pennsylvania, had no heart attacks despite a diet rich in saturated animal fats and milk--until they moved away from Roseto's mountain spring water and drank chlorinated water. After that, consuming the same diet, they had heart attacks. The Roseto example is dramatic enough, but the needed detailed comparisons and follow-up are not likely to be done.

    read more ...


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,175 ✭✭✭✭MadYaker

    There is no evidence of any link between cholesterol build up in blood vessels and chlorinated water. And by evidence I mean peer reviewed articles published in reputable journals.

    However there does seem to be some evidence linking chlorinated water and birth defects. The problem there isn't the chlorine specifically but rather the compounds formed when the chlorine reacts with organic compounds also found in the water. The article mentioned in the link that you posted to can be found here.

    Its an interesting study but ultimately its inconclusive due to a number of reasons. There are issues with the validity of their results, as they themselves acknowledge in the discussion section of the article. They weren't analysing the water that the pregnant women were drinking so they have no idea of the levels of chlorine or the levels of organic matter in the water.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 volku

    First of all we should ask what is the quality of water we are asked to pay for?
    Then is the water safe to drink and for washing?
    What can be done to have safe water?
    We should demand the truth from water supplying councils, doctors, scientifics, reserchers, and Irsh Water.
    Why most of us are getting the red marks on faces,
    why our skin is getting dry and itchy after every bath or shower?
    why our stomachs are upset?
    why we get headaches?
    why are ther so many phetous discharges and babies are born sick?
    allergies, ADHD symptoms, autistic, cancers, etc

    There is at least one answer

    our food is also contaminated (flour may contain up to 1% of chlorine, used as bleach)
    but we are over 60% built from water


    We have my rainwater harvested since August 2014.
    We use mineral water Tipperary for drinking, cooking, etc.
    Rainwater is used for washing, washing machines and toilets.
    It is filtered with 5 micron filter plus UV lamp.
    You cannot imagine how soft and nice in touch it is.
    Unexpectly last January 2015 was pretty dry and my tank 3000litres lasts only 2 weeks with no rain. We were backed to mains water (like in swimming-pools)
    my and my wife's skin got dry, my little son (4 y.o.) got spots on his face etc.
    Same effects as many other people's faces. and you are told it is psioriasis,, eczema or some genetic sh*t. It is not
    Google "chlorinated water and health" or "fluorinated water and health"
    Do not ever drink tap water!!!
    to save my rainwater I use the mains water for flushing the toilets and washing my car ONLY.
    and now we are also asked to pay for it...

    If there is any interest I will add links to many articles also from WHO (World Health Organisation, WHO confirms the chlorined and fluorined water is responsible for many phetael and infants and adults defects and disabilities, but also insists it is best water saanitisation way on the other hand ?!!!! ) and other research organisations which oppose the chemically contaminated water.
