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Part time job and jobseeker benefits for Family

  • 25-01-2014 2:43am
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    Hi all.

    In 2 weeks time I'm going from full-time to part-time work. My hourly rate will be 9,60 eur x 24hours is comming to 230 eur minus PRSI & USC. approx 200 euro. Now I have 336 nett.
    My partner is on Jobseeker allowance and he is getting 193 eur which includes increase for partner and our 2 kids

    I know I'll be entitled for Jobseeker Benefit for 2 days - 75 eur, but I can not find anywhere how my partner allowance will be changed. or I have to apply for increase for my partner - 125eur plus 2 kids - 60eur approx? Or his Jobseeker allowance remain same?

    Thanks for any help. I'm just trying to do budged for my family for next few months.
