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Transsexual friend?

  • 31-12-2013 12:16am
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    A friend has come out to me as transsexual and plans to start living as a woman.

    How do I support her.

    Forgive my ignorance but I know virtually nothing about LGBT issues.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,532 ✭✭✭Lou.m

    Hey ok well I am not an expert myself I am not trans but here goes.

    But respect her gender identity.

    Refer to her as her etc.

    Ask her if she is ready to use those pronouns in public yet. And if she has chosen a new name then start calling her by it.

    Watch your past tense. When talking of the past try not to use phrases like "when you were a previous gender" or "born a man/woman," because many transgender people feel they have always been the gender they have come out to you as, but had to hide it for whatever reasons- or at least be aware of when you do it. Some people are not as sensitive to this though.

    Respect the fact that she might need privacy.

    Over the next while she will be going through major change and it takes a lot of emotional and physical energy if she intends to go on hormones and surgery eventually remember it is a lot to go through.

    Thank her for trusting you enough to open up and share it is a huge sign of her trust and regard for you.

    Listen. That's probably the most important thing you can do for any person who is sharing their story with you. Simply being present and giving them your undivided attention is huge.

    DON'T OUT HER!!! I can't stress this enough. It is her business what she tells people now and always. It’s private, medical information. You should not out her even to other LGBT people. Obviously anon on a forum is ok. For some reason there are some people just bursting to tell people that they know a transperson. DON'T. IT'S PRIVATE.

    Not all trans people are activists and those who are might not want to be all the time.

    Being Trans is simply one part of who she is.

    Don't try to match make or unmatch make. Don't assume her orientation and if she has a partner don't assume they will break up.

    This next point is a sensitive one. There are people who are attracted to an individual who happens to be trans and then there are trans chasers . She should not be cheapened or bothered by 'odd' people. She is a human being she deserves respect and love if she chooses.

    Put her needs above your curiosity at all times. So don't ask about 'did you have surgery etc' anyway being trans is beyond that.

    Honestly just be a normal friend to her. She is a person and still just your friend. Don't over react. Focus on what you have always had in common in your friendship with her. Focus on your friendship. Treat her equally just as any person.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,153 ✭✭✭Shakti

    Wow Lou will you be my friend,

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Donaldio

    "To start liveing as a woman" In all honesty and i am not an expert either but the fact is that this person has most likely felt or known that they were supposed to be a woman there whole life.
    They just wernt born with the body that they would feel comfortable or right in.
    In a way i feel sorry for TS people especially as there is only so much that they can do to change there sex really they are stuck with what they came into this world with so...
    I would say respect how she choses to live this is not a casual or over night decision !
    Be a good freind as i am sure it would be worth it. Also i think she just wants to live they way that feels natural to her even though weird as seems she feels that she is in the wrong physical gender.

    Also i am not sure it would even relate to LGB issues.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,532 ✭✭✭Lou.m

    Shakti wrote: »
    Wow Lou will you be my friend,

    Awh thank you shucks of course :o
