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Old Diary Found

  • 16-12-2013 2:57pm
    Registered Users Posts: 44

    Longship Foamdrinker Captains Note

    The following diary was recovered recently during a search of a remote island off the main trading routes. It was discovered near what looked like some human bones in a crudely built shelter. The exploration was somewhat dangerous as a wild dog was lurking in the vegetation.


    It seems that only 3 of us survived the violent storms that sunk the ship –the ship’s handyman Dean Carpenter, myself the once famous explorer Jimmy Frostfangs and my loyal friend Friday whom I had rescued one faithful Thursday from some slave traders on the Gold Road but that is another story.

    We were washed up on the beach and our initial scavenging recovered a pistol with a full chamber and a hammer and some nails. The omens seemed good there was food and wood to be had and the sun beamed down from a clear blue sky. The plan was easy build a shelter and a large bonfire then wait it out until we sighted a passing ship. In our hearts we did feel that we had found a remote place and that it would take time before we might be rescued. Equally we had our dark secrets. My journey beyond the Wall had left me scarred for life and unable to venture far but with some ability to predict weather patterns. On the other hand Mr Carpenter turned out to be a morose complex individual who could be both fatalistic and stubborn in equal measure. In a complete role reversal he agreed to do the exploring whilst I put my hand to building and resource gathering. Friday is also a help he needs little food and can sleep out in the open without damaging his health. On the other hand he is physically frail but hopefully we will not encounter too much danger in this place we have called paradise.


    Time has passed quickly. We came across some food crates which helped with the food situation for a little time while Mr Carpenter and Friday have done very well exploring and found some very useful locations. Unfortunately Mr Carpenter suffered some injuries notably from a wild dog that attacked him and he also mentioned that a tiger seemed to follow him back to camp. My attempts to build a shelter were frustrated and we have had to spend nights in the open -not good for our health but at least we have enough food to eat. Wood is a problem and we have not even begun to build the bonfire.


    At last I have managed to build some form of shelter but I have broken the hammer and the nails are all used up. The good news is we have moved camp to a better location. I have some doubts about Mr Carpenters skills however as he hurt himself just building a basket! Wood is a problem as we are using it up trying to put a roof over our heads. Very little progress on our bonfire it will soon be called bonfire of the vanities.


    Out of nowhere the tiger attacked last night and we used up most of our ammunition killing it. It did provide food and fur and we held some celebratory banquets as we have no way of storing food in the long term and it just goes to waste.

    Mr Carpenter’s pessimism seems to be well grounded. A tree fell on the shelter injuring everyone and a huge storm ripped off its roof. We are having to use a lot of wood to try and build it back up again so there is no real progress on the beacon.


    We are now in the rainy season with constant downpours and its effects on our efforts and health. Some nights are also unseasonably cold causing us to burn wood that should be going towards that elusive dream of a beacon. We have managed to build some tools and a map which has provided a shortcut to help with resource gathering. Friday has suffered some wounds between gathering resources and improving the shelter. Morale is dropping which in itself is affecting our health. On that subject Mr Carpenter seems to be most badly affected and I worry for him as neither of us will survive without the other.


    Eureka we found the ships mast which we were able to salvage and place on our bonfire - that is progress but still a long way to go.


    Winter has coming with driving snow and bitter winds. The wild dog appeared at the camp and we tried to train it but it just stole some food and ran off. Despite our best efforts the shelter is struggling to protect us from the elements and we are constantly burning our precious wood to stave off the cold.


    Last night a hungry beast attacked the camp and we used our last remaining bullets to kill it. We are now quite defenseless.


    Mr Carpenters health is really failing and he spends a lot of time in the camp trying to tidy it which is good for morale and helps his strength a bit but foraging for food and wood is down to Friday and myself .In truth I am beginning to feel very poorly myself. As if things couldn't get worse our food and wood supplies are drying up and we don’t have the energy to do much more exploring. What will become of us!


    Poor Friday we sent him out alone to explore and he found some little food and a knife in an old ruined hut. At some stage there must have been other poor unfortunates stuck in this hell. We now shuffle around the camp and barely have enough food to survive.


    Last night a predator stole all our remaining food and the most unimaginable storm ripped off our roof. I fear the end is near.

    Captains note.

    This is the last recorded entry.

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