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So, what are my options now?

  • 02-12-2013 3:18am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi guys. I am a 21 year old male (turning 22 in a month) in my final year of college in Dublin. Acting and drama is something which I have always enjoyed, so I recently decided to take part in a 3 day drama sampler course in The Abbey Theatre. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and acting is something which I would definitely like to pursue, at least as an extra-cirricular activity. The abbey theatre is running courses after christmas, which are an advancement or step up from the drama sampler course which I took part in. They look very good and I hope to be able to afford one of them, but I just can't at the moment. It's not that they're expensive, I'm just broke!

    I have joined the drama society in my University, but I would like to find another acting or drama course in the evening. Ideally it will start after christmas and is free or at a very low cost. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Also, in regards to auditions - Are we allowed to ask where auditions for plays and tv shows take place (which is in fact my other inquiry)? Or do we simply browse through this forum to see the advertisements. I read the forum rules, but I'm just making sure.

    Thanks in advance. :)
