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Football Fixtures 2014

  • 30-11-2013 6:14pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭

    I never understand why the 'big house' doesn't do this anyway...
    The attached is the Football fixtures for 2014 all divs*. You can import them onto outlook using the following steps. Just makes like easier in the long run.

    VERY IMPORTANT: I cant upload a CSV file here so i had to cheat. So rename this file Football_2014.csv when you have it downloaded. You have to do that or it wont work!

    1) Save the attachment here down to your desktop (or some other appropriate area)
    2) In outlook File >New> Calendar
    3) Call it what you want>click OK
    4) Click on it in My Calendars and make sure that all other Calendars are unchecked
    5) File>Import and Export..
    6) Select “Import form another Programme or File” >Next
    7) Select “Comma Separated Values” (either one) >Next
    8) Browse.. and select the downloaded file
    9) Allow Duplicates to be Created >Next
    10) Select the newly created Calendar>Next
    11) Finish
    Now you have a Calendar with all the football fixtures, dates and times.
    (if you want to have them in your main calendar, don’t create a new one and select you main calendar in step 11)

    I wrote that a little hastily as I am trying to escape a particularly active three year old and have hook up with Arthur. If i missed a step can you just clarify it in this thread

    *If you only want you own division - edit the csv file before you add it - you can sort and then delete the appropriate divisions.
