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Xbox One Gamer Tags

  • 02-12-2013 9:34am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭

    So I thought it would be a good idea to set up a thread for those of us who are gaming on the Xbox One. I think it would be a good idea to leave this thread just for posting Gamer Tags and a brief list of games you are playing rather than it getting full with discussion about the console or setting up games and the like, we have other threads for that and this way makes it easier to find the GT's.

    For anyone who does not know how to add a friend this is how.
    1: From the Home screen select your profile on the left.
    2: Now hit the Menu button, the one with the three lines, and select find someone.
    3: Enter the gamer tag of the person you want to add into the search bar and hit search.
    4: You should now see the profile of the person you searched for and there will be an option to add friend, select that.

    Remember that it is different to the 360 in that you will be following the person you just added but they won't be following you until the have added you too, friend request are no more and there is no need for the person to confirm you any more. Anyway, enjoy your new consoles everyone and I hope to see a few of you on live.

    Mod Note: From this point on, please specify which console/consoles are associated with your XBL Gamertag, ie 360/One.
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