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  • 12-11-2013 3:54pm
    Registered Users Posts: 24

    Hey Guys Looking for Some advice on dropshippers, seems to be a a minefield of scams, but i know some people are doing well using it.

    Basically i'd like to run a web store, i have no problems with setting up web stores. i know allot about marketing online (White Hat) and offline. problem i have right now it that i don't have an investment to buy in a ton of stock, so i figured dropshipping might be a good opportunity to get me started. i'm not interested in any companies from china as it seems to be filled with counterfeit good. or just scams. also i would prefer them to be in the EU member states so customers don't get caught out in duty tax.

    what are your experiences in dropshipping companies, also any other advice on online businesses, books ext would be greatly appreciated

