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Exporting email addresses from Outlook

  • 09-11-2013 2:06pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6

    Hi all, anyone know a good way to export email address from incoming emails in Outlook? I get almost 100 emails per day of people sending me their newsletters and I want to be able to add their email address to my own mailing list but don't have the time to go in and copy and paste every one into something like excel.
    Is there any piece of software or ad on that can do it for me?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 145 ✭✭janeparker

    Let me know your Outlook Version? Then I would be able to give required input correctly.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6 fitzyo

    Hi Jane,

    I'm using Outlook 2007.

    Many thanks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭BionicRasher

    You can export a folder from Outlook 2007 to Excel and all the addresses will be included

    [1] Go to File
    [2] Import and Export
    [3] export to a file
    [4] Microsoft Excel 97-2003
    [5] Select whatever folder you require to export
    [6] Choose a name for the exported file
    [7] Message saying something like "The following actions will be performed" click next
    [8] Click Finish

    If you are using Outlook 2010/13 I believe its File -> Options -> Advanced -> Export and then from step 3 above

    This will export all the emails to Excel and from there you can get the addresses and CC’s BCC’s etc too if needed

    Your email addresses are under the “FromAddress” column
    There may be duplicates but you can remove them in Excel pretty easily
