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First habitable galactic bulge exoplanet found

  • 21-10-2013 4:51pm
    Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭
    For the first time, astronomers have discovered a sun-like star playing host to a “habitable zone” exoplanet located inside the Milky Way’s galactic bulge — some 25,000 light-years distant — using a quirk of Einstein’s general relativity.

    But don’t go having dreams of exotic getaways to the glistening lights of the center of our galaxy, this exoplanet is a huge gas giant world, about five times the mass of Jupiter. However, there is something (potentially) very exciting about this new discovery. Like Jupiter, this newly discovered giant exoplanet may possess small satellites; exomoons that could have life-giving potential.
    A quirk of physics has allowed astronomers to spot a distant exoplanet about 25,000 light years away in a densely packed region of the galaxy known as the galactic bulge. This is notable not only due to its location, but because of the nature of the planet itself. It appears to be in the habitable zone of its star — a zone that could support the presence of liquid water.

    ...more on links.

    Makes sense to seach within our Galaxy for habitable planets, our local.
