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colonoscopy quesations

  • 14-10-2013 7:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 454 ✭✭


    I am having a colonoscopy done tomorrow, have a few questions if people could answer would be great.

    1. Can i have a cuppa soup it says not to eat anything but so hungry.

    2. how long does it take, i have my appointment at 11.45, i just what to have a round about time my wife can come and pick me up. I was told by someone that when they got it done he gave his wife number to the hospital before he had it and they called his wife to get him, will this happen?

    3. It says it costs 75ero, but i have health insurance (Aviva) does this mean i do not have to pay anything?

    4. do i get the camera "up and down"

    5. will they store my clothes and wallet and phone is a safe place

    5. I have been off work for today, tomorrow and Wednesday - will this be enough time to get over the procedure?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,815 ✭✭✭Vorsprung

    Most of these questions are looking for medical advice.

    Please read the charter before posting.

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