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Can't paste album artwork into iTunes/iPod??

  • 10-10-2013 1:29pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,280 ✭✭✭

    My old computer broke so I transfered all the music from my old iPod to the laptop(saw a video on YouTube).It moved all the music,which I synced back to Ipod, but hasn't moved all the album artwork,only some of them.Before,I used to right click on album,get info,album artwork and then paste it from there.Now,nothing happens,box stays blank.I'm using Windows XP and ipod software 1.1.2 on Ipod Classic 80GB...old device!

    EDIT-Update..Works on most of albums but not on the recent ones I've just added today....strange.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,580 ✭✭✭✭Zeek12

    Quickest way to get the album artwork in iTunes is to right click on the album>Get album artwork.

    If that doesn't work for you, click on the album in iTunes to display all the tracks. Press Ctrl+A to highlight all tracks, then press Ctrl+I (to open item information)
    In the info tab, on the right hand side you'll see an Artwork box (you'll need to download the album artwork beforehand and save the file to your computer).
    Double click on the Artwork box and select the artwork file you want to use, then click Ok.
    You should now have the album artwork in iTunes. Now just sync the music over to your iPod.
