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Getting frustrated with O2

  • 10-10-2013 9:19am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,851 ✭✭✭


    I moved to O2 about a year ago and out of sheer frustration at their website, and the awkwardness involved in checking status of datapacks, SMS bundles and plans (and all in various different places!), I'm tempted to move.

    Can you please advice what network provides intelligent reporting for the status of my data use, minutes, plan details etc, preferably all in the one place? I'm PAYG and will likely stay this way if possible. Looking for a network with a decent datapack and free calls/texts would be a bonus.

    ATM I'm paying 25 a month for 250 texts, 700mb data and free calls.

    Thanks for any suggestions


  • Registered Users Posts: 522 ✭✭✭Stormington

    To be honest, I reckon they're all as bad as each other. I was with Meteor, then Vodafone and now Tesco and they all have their ups and downs (although I found voda's boards and web service to be quite good).

    Payg? I've found that the smaller companies offer way more than the bigger ones: Three (although I'm wary of what will happen when they take over o2), Lyca, 48 and Tesco have some solid offerings at €20 up to €30. Lyca, 48 & Tesco piggyback on o2's network and have had some outage problems in the recent past although that seems to be a temporary issue, albeit frustrating when you can't contact anyway without using wifi (I did with Tesco anyway).

    You should be able to find something for between €20 and €25 on any of them really and the data would start at least 5gb for €20 with any of them too. Fwiw, I'm spending 25 a month with Tesco but they've changed their offers recently.
