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Rehab Lottery

  • 04-10-2013 9:33pm
    Registered Users Posts: 12

    I have worked in the disabiliity sector for some time and admire the work of organisations such as Rehab. Their work they do on their website is very impressive and they are Irelands largest employers of disabled people.

    Anyway, they were in the news this week for a pending court claim against the government for 1 billion euro compensation for their lottery. This has all kicked off because of Alan Shatters decision to cut 4.4 million in annual payments they receive from the National Lottery to zero.

    At first I thought that Rehab were ridiculous, but I realise that there are much bigger issues here. And Rehab really are trying to protect their annual payments. I think this claim is designed to be ridiculous to encourage debate.

    So what kind of society do we want where an organisation like Rehab is effectively being butchered by the government in the face of cutbacks? I know that there are other charities in similar positions.

    The budget is going to be about 2 billion in cuts. I dont know the answers but there are people and organisations who can afford to pay much more than this organisation.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,925 ✭✭✭RainyDay

    You seem to be confused about what's going on.

    Rehab and other service providers get paid by Govt via HSE for services provided. These payments are not affected by the lottery related cuts.

    In the lottery area, it was reported a month or two back that Rehab was suing the Govt around the withdrawal of a small scheme whereby Dept Justice paid out small amounts (a few million all together) to lottery operators for some strange historical reason. Seemed like a bit of a hush money scheme to me.

    Separately, it was reported this week that Rehab are suing Govt for very large amounts (a billion or so) about the cap on lottery operators.

    Now, which scheme/cut/change are you actually talking about?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 dgtech

    Ok hands up, I am not aware of all the different funding processes involved including the HSE funding.

    I am referring specically to the loss the 4.4 million lottery funding has kicked off the larger 1 billion legal law suit.

    In my opinion, the 1 billion law suit is ridiculous. Rehab lotto already received annual 4.4 million payments in compensation since 1986 or so, so they cant turn around and ask for more. The Irish Sweepstakes debacle proves that no private lottery should ever get much bigger than 20k. I am on the governments side all the way.

    Again in my opinion, Rehab are taking a huge gamble with public opinion by taking this lawsuit. But maybe this is purposely designed to be ridiculous to raise a much bigger debate about the role of Rehab in society, and what value we should place on it.

    Rehab will miss the 4.4 million in funding, and this is why they are upset. The minister should be much clearer where this shortfall will be made up. I dont know perhaps the HSE can fill this shorfall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 carricka
