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How to i set up email?

  • 19-09-2013 8:49am
    Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 23,260 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    From the The Definitive Guide to DIT 2.0 - Now with Links! thread does the following still apply for changing your email to
    How to send from

    Not sure if someone has put this up before. When you log into your account, up the top right there should be and a wheel. Click the ""

    You should see under Email addresses 4 emails
    pick which one you want to send emails from and copy it.

    Now if you look below you will see under "My Products" some links. One of them is gmail. Click the settings link beside it. Alternatively you can get here by clicking the wheel icon while in your inbox view.

    Go to accounts tab. Now click "Add another email address you own". Paste this address in and hit next step.

    Now check your inbox for the confirmation code and type it in.
    Once all that is done, you can click the link to the right of any email address that says "make default" in the accounts tab. You can also edit info and select what name you want to send as.

    Now you can select who you want to send as. Go to compose message from your main email page. See the drop down menu that says "From:". You can select who you want to send from here.

    BE WARNED. You can see the originally email address in the email headers. If you're paranoid and absolutely need to hide your student number, this won't do.
    If you want to see someone elses, just open their email in gmail. At the top where the reply button is there is an arrow. click that and click see original email. It'll probably look like rubbish but their originally email will be in the return path. Just have someone send you an email and look for your student number in there. Mine appears in the return path, received-spf and authentication-results.

    I cant seem to select an alternative email address through the gmail app.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,338 ✭✭✭squishykins

    godtabh wrote: »
    From the The Definitive Guide to DIT 2.0 - Now with Links! thread does the following still apply for changing your email to

    I cant seem to select an alternative email address through the gmail app.

    It worked for me, but I did it on my laptop.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 23,260 Mod ✭✭✭✭godtabh

    I'll try it on the laptop when i get home

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 725 ✭✭✭jrmb

    It was already set up when I first signed into MyDIT/Google Apps (on the laptop, not mobile). I sign in as but send & receive mail as

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 23,260 Mod ✭✭✭✭godtabh

    Seem to have it working now. Thanks for the help
