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[Wanted] Place to stay in UCD area for a few days

  • 11-09-2013 2:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭

    I'm a first year student in UCD, still on the accommodation hunt with friends from UCD/Trinity. But its not looking like I'll have a place by Freshers Week or for the Freshers Ball.

    Basically, I'm looking for a floor to crash on or anything possible near enough the UCD campus. Ideally it'd be great to have one for the Freshers Ball tomorrow night! I should have a place sorted after next week, as I'm spending crazy hours looking for places and I hope it pays off.

    So please, kind students or residents in the UCD area, spare a thought for a nice fresher that is practically homeless and in need of a place for only a few days... P.S I'm a male, 18 from Meath. Cheers!

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