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Convoluted Foam - Radio Studio Dampening

  • 07-09-2013 1:04pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,212 ✭✭✭


    As the title suggests, I'm looking for a cheap solution to sound dampening a new radio studio. The thing is, the station in not commercial, there's very little money, and it's in its infancy while the application is made to the BAI for a community license. We're broadcasting online at the moment and most of the studio is covered with egg cartons, apart from half the ceiling, the double-glazed PVC window and the glass doorway (see attached photo).

    The station is based in Limerick City and our setup is modest, but little things like this could go a long way to enhancing the listening experience. The sound chain is:

    SAM Broadcaster -> computer speaker out (pathetic onboard sound controller, for now) -> Mics -> Behringer Eurorack desk -> Behringer Composer compressor -> computer line-in -> Breakaway Broadcast -> SAM Broadcaster encoder

    Like I said, it's not brilliant but it's working well considering the lack of dosh we're able to spend on just about anything.

    So does anyone know of any way to get convoluted foam to cover the walls and ceiling of the studio, as seen behind the glass doorway in the attached photo? The cheaper, the better! It doesn't matter if the foam is new or not, as since we're community based, wherever we can save a buck, we need to jump on it.

    Many thanks in advance.
