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Ge money

  • 21-08-2013 11:51pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2

    Hi guys just wondering if any has had the same experience I took out hire purchase on my car in 2007 and was paying 381 euros a month until I returned to college in 2009 I reduced my payments to 193.80 pm I was not informed of the extra length I would incur and presumed I had just added an extra 2 years to my reschedule. With this presumption I believed my payment was due to finish this November. I rang pepper today who are he company that have taken over accounts and was informed I had a further 34 months of repayments. They added a further 86 months to my repayments ludicrous if I'm being honest. I did not receive any written confirmation of this from ge at time of rescheduling and luckily the lady at pepper understood that from my shock was a genuine case and has started an internal investigation along with looking for letter they said was issue in all fairness who would agree to adding 6 years to repayments. Any advice what I could do . Very shocked and completely infuriated

