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Computer science+software engineering at NUI Maynooth

  • 14-08-2013 12:06am
    Registered Users Posts: 461 ✭✭

    Hi all.

    Really hope for some advice here and saw really good advice in a thread I just browsed here so here I am posting myself.

    I have recently completed a fas level 6 train the trainer course. I had been volunteering at an organisation for years prior to the certification helping people with mobile phones. This mostly entailed how to use voice over on Iphone and mac. For anyone who mightn't know, voice over is the mac and IOS's built in fully functioning screen reading slution for blind and low vision users.
    So, I have just a month ago, gotten on to a CE scheme, and already I know there is no hope for me in the organisation of progression.
    Given this, and my passion for technology I have decided it is time for me to put the head down once and for all and get a degree.
    I am thinking computer science and software engineering in NUI Maynooth. I would absolutely love to become an app developer, and learn how things work and why as far as software goes, also computers in general. I love technology so much and how much it can help people so I know my degree definitely has to be in this field in some way shape or form.
    My only reservation is, I'm not the most naturally gifted with maths. I know that NUI have a fantastic support service for maths though as I have built up a bit of a relationship with the disability support service there. Also NUIM have had someone who is visually impaired complete this course so I'm thinking they are already more than on board and willing to help which is fantastic.
    I know a degree is a huge commitment, but I also know that when I put my mind to something I can do well, so feel this is something I am ready for.
    My question is, am I right to be considering SE or should I be considering something else?
    All aspects of technology interest me so I am open to suggestions.
    Thanks so much for any replies in advance.


  • Registered Users Posts: 21 BinaryRyan

    Can't speak from experience as I'm only going into first year in computer science in Ucd myself but I do think you may want to look into learning some code/programming yourself before making that commitment. There is a large amount of resources on this, dozens of beginners books some varying from which language they use depending on the authors choice and websites made for this sole purpose, two of them that I know are:

    You can also look into what the modules are in NUIM course to see exactly what it is their covering and get a better picture of what it entails.Probably not as much help as you may like but still hope it helps and good luck with the path you choose to pursue.
