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The "For Mother Russia" Photoshop Competition 24/03/2016

  • 11-08-2013 12:09pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34,952 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks to all the imaginative folk who entered the last competition. Here are the victors:

    First place: "1st" by Corvus Maximus with 33 thanks.
    Second place: "2nd.", by Princess Consuela Bananahammock with 1 thanks.
    Joint Third place:
    "3rd" by flanree with 13 thanks.
    "3rd" by glynf with 13 thanks.

    This weeks competition: The "For Mother Russia" Photoshop Competition 24/03/2016. Keep it tasteful, please. Thanks.



    Usual rules apply.

    1. No pornographic images.

    2. No real-life displays of violence (faux-violence is fine)

    3. Nothing libelous.

    4. Nothing dirty. What sexy photoshops you choose to make in your own time is your business, but PG it for the thread please

    5. The winner will be chosen by thanked posts.

    6. You may enter as often as you like.

    7. Any modifications to the picture are allowed, whether it be photoshop, adding a caption or speech bubbles.

    8. The exact pictures don't necessarily have to be used once the picture you do use fits the theme of the thread.

    Here's a site to host images on:

    Try to keep it to a relatively good size. Don't go breaking the page.

    Suggestions for pics or themes go here.
    Doesn't have to be anything recent or current, just any types of pictures we might get a bit of comedy mileage out of. Please suggest more pics. Even if you're not entering the comp, your suggestion could lead to some great photoshops. And from now on, it'll be based purely on votes each pic receives. So make sure to vote for the pic you want. The aim will be to start every Photoshop Comp on Sundays before 1pm (or as close to that as possible)

    And remember, if you don't suggest images for the comp, you have to suggest images for the comp.

