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Send your dead loved one into space for $2K

  • 11-08-2013 1:34am
    Site Banned Posts: 3

    If you want to go to space, you can go to school, study hard, get good grades, work for a few years, then wheedle your way into NASA and apply to be an astronaut. Or you can be a celebrity or a millionaire and sign up for the first voyage on Virgin Galactic, set for its first flight this year, at the cost of $200,000 for a two-hour trip. (If you’re lucky, you might get the seat next to Justin Bieber.) Or you could join 80,000 other people in signing up for a one-way ticket to Mars, where Dutch non-profit Mars One hopes to establish a colony. But that flight doesn’t leave until 2022. But there is another choice. A startup called Elysium Space is offering an easier, cheaper way to get into space – and it will have you there by next year. There is, however, a slight catch.
