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problems at work

  • 10-08-2013 3:47pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2

    Hi, I am new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Firstly 14 months ago my employer informed me that due to the fact that I had a wrist problem I would no longer be able to continue in the role I was in and that they had a duty of care to me so they would therefore have to change my job. This was obviously due to the fact that I had injured myself 2 years prior at work and had put a claim in. I had never complained and said I could not do the job.

    They moved me to a different department and told me I could only do one job which was basically monitoring robotics. I reluctantly agreed to this as I was told this was the only job in our factory they were willing to offer me and everything I suggested was knocked back. My main concerns with this was that all the other roles in my new department were manual and I didn't want my fellow workers to feel it was unfair to them.

    I settled into this new role, then just over a week ago we were informed the company wanted to make changes to our shift patterns due to company needs. This has caused problems as I have been moved to a different shift and the people I am now working with are not happy and have complained that it is not fair on them that I do not do the manual work. I do understand where they are coming from but I never asked for these restrictions and was managing all aspects of my previous role without any help. All this has caused me immense stress as I'm not sleeping or eating properly.

    I now have been told my manager, senior op and occupational health nurse are to have a meeting to discuss me and 2 other operators who have similar problems. I have asked to be considered for other roles within the company but feel I am getting nowhere. My main concern is are they going to try to dismiss me through capability issues which as far as I am concerned they have created not me.


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