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  • 09-08-2013 6:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    Hi all,

    I hope someone can help clear this up for me or explain!

    I am near completion of a Fetac Level 5 course ( the modules ended around a month ago and I am just doing some work placement now) I have applied through the CAO and am hoping to get an offer based on my Level 5 results.

    My question is does the CAO/Colleges I have applied to have access to my provisional results for basing their offers on or will I not receive and offer as I only have received the provisional results?

    I am confused about this and the people delivering the Level 5 course are not much help with this matter! :)

    Any help would be appreciated,



  • Registered Users Posts: 554 ✭✭✭MarkyMark22

    Offers from universities have already been issued. Offers from Institues of Technologies will be next Monday I think. It may be too late for colleges to receive your results.

    You need to ring CAO to ask if your results have been received. You should also ring your college to ask when your results will be made official.

    I think it may be too late, unfortunately, You may have to wait until next year.
