If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on for help. Thanks :)
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Cant activate account

  • 29-07-2013 10:02am
    Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 1

    I can't activate my account. I keep getting an email to activate my account when I click on it it brings me to the log in screen and when I sign in it still says that my account is active.
    How can I sort this.
    Have tried to activate it five times still nothing.


  • Employee Posts: 12,597 ✭✭✭✭✭ Niamh Community Manager

    Hi there,
    I have just re-sent the verification email to the email address you used when signing up. Please check your spam folder in case it ends up there.

    If you do not receive it, please email from the email address you used and your username - it may be that you typed your email address incorrectly when signing up.

    Thanks :)

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