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Suisei no gargantia - a GREAT anime!

  • 27-07-2013 12:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 36

    Hi there !
    Hajimema****e !

    I just wanted to recommend the anime in the title of this post which is SUISEI NO GARGANTIA !
    I think it's a great anime about a soldier,Ledo ! His friend and my fav character, Chamber!
    I'm not going to mention anymore, if you haven't seen it don't waste anymore time ! Every anime has few morals behind and in my opinion this one even thought it is a really short anime series has a lot to teach and i wanted for you to tell me what is it you think this one has to convey!

    I'll give you the obvious one: the wars are pointless.

    Arigato for shearing your opinion!
    ~Levi ~~


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,067 ✭✭✭Gunmonkey

    I really liked Gargantia, setting was really unique. Almost dropped the series after the first 5 minutes as it resembled Gundam or other mecha animes and I dont like those where it only involves giant space battles.

    Kinda thought the plot lost itself a bit in the last few episodes too
    when Ledo's Commander shows up, obviously its to show the distance Ledo has come from his beliefs drilled into him in the Alliance but after the episode where they reveal the Hideauze's origins I kinda wish they went far more personal than the ZAAP ZAAAP DEATH RAY PEW PEW ending
