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FE1 Preparation Courses: City -v.- Independent?

  • 22-07-2013 1:16pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    I found these threads very helpful:

    It seems that GCD is currently not the best choice. Now I am struggling on whether I should apply for City or Independent. After having a look at the websites of both, City has Philip Burke, Mark Cockerill and Patricia Cronin at its side, but Independent has Val Corbett, Ciarán Patton. I am even considering maybe I should enroll in both, for example, doing equity from Philip and criminal from Ciaran (sounds ideal but I would rather not do so because of a risk of timetable conflict)

    By the way I can talk a little about my personal experience even though I have not apply for any of them. I have sent emails to both GCD and Independent. Both replied. However GCD ignored one of my two questions and had many spelling mistakes; Independent's reply looked perfect and they asked if I would like to meet one of their lecturers. Certainly I answered yes and one day went into the Independent city center building, looked great. I met Ciarán Patton and asked some silly questions. He was nice and gave me useful suggestions. I also took my chance to have a look at the washrooms, looked clean and tidy. Overall, Independent provided me a better experience. :)

    If it was before 2012 I would definitely choose Independent. But wait a second, now there is a City Colleges and it seems that some of the key lecturers were in Independent earlier?! :eek::confused:

    So right now I am fully confused and struggling. Any ideas or comments on either or both colleges are welcome. Thanks a million in advance.
