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What to do?

  • 18-06-2013 11:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭


    I'm a 21 year old college drop out. I did computing for a year and couldn't continue not necessarily the course content but just college itself wasn't for me.

    I have a full time job at the moment and have had for 3 years but it's getting me nowhere and I've advanced as far as I can already.

    I've recently completed an online FETAC Level 5 in Web Authoring. Hopefully will get the results soon and have that. But I'm wondering what to do next.

    In college, I did some of the start of a CCNA wasn't really for me but my main interest seems to be Web Design and Security type things.

    Is there any website security type things I can do out there? or anything anybody would recommend to get me somewhere.

