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Wife returning to work

  • 18-06-2013 12:10pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,544 ✭✭✭


    Hope this is the rigth forum. I am the sole earner at the moment, and we have 2 kids. My wife has been a stay at home mum for the last 14 years, through the tiger years etc, when it was affordable (i.e when we couldnt afford childcare etc).

    Anyway, the kids are old enough now, and she wants to return to work, but the problem is that as she is not "unemployed" she gets absolutley no assitance with getting back into the workforce. There are no programs, training, workshops, support of any kind it would seem to help people back into the workforce unless you are unemployed and drawing the dole.

    Any advice on this, would be really appreciated.
