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New heating system

  • 13-06-2013 10:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    Just bought a house and need to get the old heating system replaced.
    The house is about 30 years old, 4 bedroom, 2 storey with old gun metal pipes and single panel rads in each room.
    There's no boiler installed, I think it was going to be replaced but owner decided to sell instead.
    Have been doing some research on heating systems over the last few days but have a few questions maybe someone can help with.

    Should I go oil or gas? House is in Sligo so there's no mains gas supply and I would have to get a gas tank. Not sure how they would get it into the garden as its a terraced house with no rear access, but I guess they must be able to. Is gas much more cost effective?

    Should I go for a combi boiler or standard? There's 2 showers, both electric so wouldnt need the boiler to produce much hot water but the idea of hot water on demand is appealing. However, I have heard combi boilers can suffer from limescale and are not recommended in Ireland. Is this correct?

    There will be about 8 radiators connected so what size boiler should I be thinking of? There's only 3 of us so wont need anything too big.

    What type of piping should i get get installed ? copper or Qualpex ?

    Should I get a closed or open vent system?

    Is there any value in going for solar for the hot water and a standard boiler instead of a combi?

    Finally, does anyone know of a good plumber in Sligo?

