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USB drive now only works for certain devices

  • 26-05-2013 8:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 7,018 ✭✭✭

    As the title says, the USB drive on my mother's laptop now doesn't work for certain devices. Her external harddrive still works but her camera does not. If I connect either the camera or her portable SD-card reader device they don't come up in 'My computer' as drives like they used to in the past.

    A possible cause of this issue is that 2 weeks I ago, in an effort to speed up her machine I ran in a registry script so as to regulate which Windows services are run automatically on her machine. I got the script from the following website: Black Viper link. Perhaps there is a windows service that has now been switched off which is responsible for detecting camera type devices? I've had a look through the services and all the plug and play ones appear to be starting automatically. Apart fromt hose i'm not sure what others would affect it.

