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CIMA Global Business Challenge

  • 25-05-2013 12:52pm
    Registered Users Posts: 187 ✭✭

    (Mods, If this isn't the appropriate forum please feel free to move it)

    A few of us are heading up to Dublin in a couple of weeks to represent the local IT and the nerves are starting to kick in now. I was hoping somebody can shed some light on some of their own experiences with it.

    I had a read of the case study and I think we've a good grasp of the core issues but I'm worried about the questions and answers more than anything. What level of knowledge would be expected of you? I'd be fine answering questions when I have some time to think about it but when you're put on the spot it's an entirely different kettle of fish. Are the questions fairly orthodox? i.e. could I reasonably be expected beforehand to have a good idea of what I might get asked, and prep for that? Or did people find that they'd be blind-sided by some of them?
