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Pearse/markievicz house yay or nay?!

  • 18-05-2013 11:03am
    Registered Users Posts: 2


    I was wondering if you could help me. I'm 21 & have been living in a refuge with my daughter the last couple of years. I recently was informed by DCC that I will most likely be made an offer of Pearse or Markievicz house! I'm a bit anxious as they seem to be flat city.

    A bit of background,
    I'm originally from a quite well to do area, but on discovering I was pregnant in my teens,was disowned by my family, hence why I live in a refuge. My refuge is great (I'm sad to be leaving), I have a self contained appartment in an old Georgian house in a nice area of Dublin. Only 4 other girls live here as well.

    Can anyone give me a bit of information about These two flats? Are they rough? Would they be safe after dark?

    Many thanks,
    A x

