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usb tethered connection dropping have to restart laptop

  • 15-05-2013 3:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭

    Hi guys, any help with this would be appreciated. I'm currently using a Dell Vostro 1015 laptop tethered via usb to my Samsung Nexus for an internet connection on a client site.

    Works fine most of the time but I'm finding intermittently I can no longer browse internet sites. I can still ping them but if I try to send any data above say 100kb it fails, i.e. ping -f -l 500 times out.

    Looked at the default MTU on the connection (netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces) and it reads 1500 so I'm a bit stumped what is causing this. Can still browse through the phone so tried retethering and restarting the phone in case something in the connection wasn't initialising.

    Only solution that seems to work is restarting the laptop so everything points to something happening there. OS is Win 7. Any ideas? Frustrating the hell out of me! :)
