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Advice on taking B+W Photos



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,118 ✭✭✭Ben D Bus

    I find Mike Browne's YouTube videos to be among the best photography tutorials on YT. This one might not be his best but it does show options for converting to B&W in Photoshop

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭ImagenEstilo

    My tuppence worth:

    Don't shoot at f/11. I would tend to drop it to f/8 ish for longer focal lengths and maybe f/5.6 for wider angles. This is all about getting max sharpness.

    In terms of post processing, in my own experience the best B&W conversion out there is Silver Efex Pro. I have not come across anything better and it has a ton of options. If you have photoshop then download a trial from the Nik site (now owned by Google) and give it a whirl. It is awesome. In fact, they have the whole Nik suite of S/W on offer for $149. Root around for a discount code and you can get it for $120. With this you get Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Define, Vivazza, HDR Pro and a sharpening tool. The HDR S/W is a bit sh1t but the other stuff is excellent.

    I find the standard B&W conversions in any standalone program rather poor. Best using a B&W specific program.
